######################################################################## # IFM map for "Uncle Zebulon's Will" by Magnus Olsson # This file written by Glenn Hutchings # # Status: map complete, no tasks, item notes ######################################################################## title "Uncle Zebulon's Will"; ######################################################################## room "Garden" tag Garden; room "Shed" dir n tag Shed; item "dog statue" note "Put lenses in it, turn left ear"; item "blue lens" note "In statue"; item "scrap of paper"; room "Porch" dir e from Garden; item "demon" note "Only lets you pass with one item"; item "letter" note "Demon gives it to you" hidden; room "Hall" dir e tag Hall; item "lead coin" note "Throw it into basin"; room "Study" dir s; item "book" note "Contains sheet of paper"; item "sheet of paper" note "Has cryptic poem" hidden; item "crystal ball" note "Look in it"; item "green lens" note "In drawer" hidden; room "Kitchen" dir n from Hall; item "carrot" note "Point wand at it to get tomato"; item "tomato" note "Eat it to get copper coin"; item "copper coin" note "Throw it into basin" hidden; item "cupboard" note "Contains blue bottle"; item "blue bottle" note "Contains silver coin" hidden; item "silver coin" note "Put it into acid for iron coin" hidden; item "iron coin" note "Throw it into basin" hidden; room "Sitting Room" dir e from Hall; item "green bottle" note "Sends items to blue bottle"; item "chair" note "Search it to find wand"; item "magic wand" note "Point it at carrot and mirror" hidden; item "mirror" note "Point wand at it to dissolve"; room "Moor Gnittis" dir n n style special; item "flask of acid" note "Change silver coin into iron coin"; room "Tower Room" dir w go up; item "gold ball" note "Illuminate it with statue"; item "scroll"; room "Attic" dir se from Hall go up; item "packing crate" note "Search it to find teak box"; item "teak box" note "Contains red lens" hidden; item "red lens" note "In teak box" hidden; item "brass plate" note "Has various signs on it"; room "Plain" dir n from Shed go down; item "basin" note "Throw coins into it"; item "greek statues" note "They want the coins"; room "Desert" dir e style special; ########################################################################