# IFM Map for "Spacestation" by David Ledgard # Based on Release 1 / Serial number 9808xx # This file writen by Dave Chapeskie title "Spacestation"; ######################################################################## # Starting items item "chronometer"; item "patrol uniform"; item "box of radioactive isotopes"; ######################################################################## room "Scooter"; task "wait for landing" cmd "z.z.z"; task "stand" tag Stand after last; item "toolbox" tag toolbox after last; task "close hatch" after Free_Fussbudget; task "sit" follow last; task "push button" follow last score 3 finish; room "Docking Port" after Stand dir s go out; room "Main Hallway, Sector M" tag Hall_M dir s go down; room "Main Hallway, Sector L" tag Hall_L dir w exit n; #task "give bracelet to Fussbudget" need id_bracelet lose it # after Free_Fussbudget; #task "Fussbudget, give me the bracelet" after last give id_bracelet; task "wear bracelet" need id_bracelet; room "Store Room" after last need id_bracelet style special dir n score 3; item "adapter plug" tag adapter; item "mondoweed fruits" tag fruit; #task "give fruit to Fussbudget" after Free_Fussbudget in any # need fruit lose it; room "Director's Office" tag Directors_Office dir s from Hall_L; item "file cabinet"; item "desk"; item "electrical outlet"; item "portable computer"; item "slip of paper"; task "read paper" tag Read_paper note "password is 133"; #task "unlock cabinet" need key; #task "open it" follow last; task "plug computer into adapter" tag Plug_comp need adapter; task "plug adapter into outlet" tag Plug_adapter need adapter lose it; task "turn on computer" tag On_comp; task "type 133" tag Password after Read_paper Plug_comp Plug_adapter On_comp score 3; task "type 7" after Password note "reactor goes critical at 6900"; task "type 11" after Password; room "Main Hallway, Sector K" tag Hall_K dir w from Hall_L exit w; room "Briefing Room" dir n; item "conference table"; item "chairs"; item "photograph"; room "Station Control" dir s from Hall_K; #task "examine monitors"; room "Main Hallway, Sector N" tag Hall_N dir e from Hall_M exit e; item "key" tag key; task "unlock toolbox" need toolbox key in any; task "open it" tag O_toolbox need toolbox follow last in any give id_bracelet hacksaw nutrient_paste; item "identity bracelet" tag id_bracelet hidden; item "hacksaw" tag hacksaw hidden; item "tube of nutrient paste" tag nutrient_paste hidden; task "eat nutrient paste" need nutrient_paste lose it in any; room "Sick Bay" dir n; item "Thoosian Fussbudget"; task "wake Fussbudget" tag Wake_Fussbudget; task "cut bar with hacksaw" need hacksaw; task "again" need hacksaw follow last; task "free the fussbudget" tag Free_Fussbudget cmd none after Wake_Fussbudget last score 3; room "Observation Lounge" dir s from Hall_N go down; item "AstroCola Dispenser"; task "examine pocket" in any give coin; item "coin" tag coin hidden; task "put coin in slot" need coin lose it; task "push standard button" after last score 3 ;# get can; item "cola can" tag can; ######################################################################## # Modify some of the above to help IFM generate a better walkthrough # Don't bother going into the office until we have the adapter #link Directors_Office need adapter; task Read_paper need adapter; task On_comp need adapter; # Since we use `give' instead of `get' when opening the toolbox, # we need to keep it so that we carry the items around with us. item toolbox keep; # Don't bother dropping the key or hacksaw item key keep; item hacksaw keep; # EOF