# IFM Map for mindelec.z5 # "The Mind Electric" is by Jason Dyer # This file writen by Dave Chapeskie title "The Mind Electric"; ######################################################################## room "Containment Grid" start; item "electric fence"; item "door"; task "wait for paper" tag Paper; item "paper" hidden tag paper after last; task "say word on paper (ivory)" tag Password1 after Paper score 1; task "say word on paper (flood)" after Password1 score 2; task "wait for scan to finish" tag Evade_Scan after Stabalise_Body score 3; task "read paper again (lxprog)" tag R_lxprog need paper after Evade_Scan; task "destroy paper" after R_lxprog need paper lose it score 3 note "so that it cannot be located by the enemy"; ######################################################################## room "Crystal Cave" tag Crystal_Cave dir se go d; item "granite rock" tag rock; task "touch granite rock" score 1 note "transforms rock into cube" lose rock get cube; item "red cube" tag cube hidden; task "determine box number" tag Find_Box_Num note "nod=correct digit&location, blink=correct digit"; task "give circuit board to cube" tag Activate_Cube need circuit_board lose it score 5; task "cube, lxprog" tag Activate_lxprog after R_lxprog score 3; task "restart lxprog" tag Restart_lxprog after Activate_lxprog; task "restart lxprog again" tag Restart_lxprog2 after Destroy_Sphere score 2; task "get message from cube" tag Cube_Msg after Restart_lxprog2 note "\"spidlower\" => spider access level lowered"; task "wait repeatedly for lxprog" tag Finish_lxprog after Enter_Portal score 1 goto Grassy_Field; ######################################################################## room "Storage Room" tag Storage_Room dir n e; link Storage_Room to Crystal_Cave dir e s s w w; item "boxes" note "numbered from 0001-9999"; task "open box xxxx" tag O_Box1 after Find_Box_Num give circuit_board; item "circuit board" tag circuit_board hidden; task "listen" tag Listen after Restart_lxprog note "get box #"; task "open box xxxx" tag O_Box2 after Listen score 4 give sphere; item "sphere" tag sphere hidden; ######################################################################## room "Star Plateau" tag Star_Plateau dir w s from Crystal_Cave; link Star_Plateau to Crystal_Cave dir s e e n n; item "obelisks"; item "metal loop"; item "spider"; item "doll" hidden; task "touch metal loop" tag Stabalise_Body score 2 after Activate_Cube #? note "stabalises your virtual body"; task "\"spider,help.g.spider,erase sphere\"" tag Destroy_Sphere need sphere lose it; task "spider,erase spider" tag Destroy_Spider after Cube_Msg score 4; ######################################################################## room "Apex of Obelisk" tag Obelisk dir nw go up style special after Destroy_Spider cmd "climb obelisk" oneway; task "touch sky" tag Touch_Sky score 4 goto Factory; ######################################################################## room "Factory" tag Factory dir n go up after Touch_Sky; link Factory to Crystal_Cave dir se go down after Wait_Portal; item "duplicator"; item "green pad"; item "blue pad"; item "storage bin"; item "widget"; task "put widget on blue pad" tag Dup1; task "touch duplicator.again" tag Dup2 follow Dup1; task "stand on green pad" tag Duplicate_Yourself follow Dup2 score 5; task "wait for portal" tag Wait_Portal after Duplicate_Yourself; task "enter portal" tag Enter_Portal after Wait_Portal goto Crystal_Cave; ######################################################################## room "Grassy Field" tag Grassy_Field dir se se from Crystal_Cave style special oneway after Finish_lxprog finish; item "tall man"; # EOF