######################################################################## # IFM map for "Glowgrass" by Nate Cull # This file written by Glenn Hutchings # # Status: map complete, has tasks ######################################################################## title "Glowgrass"; ######################################################################## room "Courtyard" tag Courtyard exit ne e; item "glimmer"; task "Throw frisbee" need frisbee; item "silver rod" hidden after last tag rod; task "Unlock door with rod" need rod; task "Open door" after last tag open_1; room "Lawn" dir e exit se; task "Examine lawn"; item "clump of glowgrass" hidden after last tag grass; item "sheeting"; room "Pool" dir se tag Pool; item "outlet grate"; task "Examine grate"; item "set of cards" hidden after last tag holos; item "orange frisbee" tag frisbee; room "Vehicle Dome" dir ne from Courtyard after open_1 tag Dome exit w; item "skycar"; task "Open hatch"; task "Open door" tag open_2; room "Skycar" dir n go in after last; item "access panel"; task "Open panel" tag open_panel; item "power cell" hidden after last tag cell; item "corroded metal coil" hidden tag corroded; item "triangular hole" hidden note "Put water in here"; item "round hole" hidden note "Sunburst symbol"; item "rectangular hole" hidden note "Power goes in here"; item "red disk" hidden tag red_disk; task "Put tap in triangular hole" need vat drop it after open_panel; task "Turn tap" after last tag triangular; task "Put shiny coil in round hole" need corroded coil drop it tag round; task "Replace cell" after password need cell; task "Put green disk in slot" after last need red_disk green_disk drop it; task "Press button" after last triangular round; task "Say the password" after last cmd "Say costello"; task "Close hatch" after last; task "Close panel" after last; task "Pull lever" after last; task "Follow Marie's instructions" after last; room "Living Area" dir w from Dome exit w sw after open_2 tag Living; item "sculpture"; item "black cube"; item "yellow disk" tag yellow_disk; task "Put cable in power cell" need cable cell; task "Put cable in cube socket" after last; task "Press button" after last; task "Put green disk in slot" after last need green_disk yellow_disk; task "Sit in sculpture" after last; task "Watch the recording" after last; task "Show frisbee to Marie" follow last need frisbee; task "Show teddy to Marie" follow last need bear; task "Show holograms to Marie" follow last need holos; task "Show glowgrass to Marie" follow last need grass; task "Ask Marie about skycar" after last note "Password 'costello'" tag password; room "Sleep Area" dir sw sw tag Sleep exit nw; item "skeleton"; item "mattress"; item "images"; item "device" hidden; item "headset" hidden; item "green disk" hidden tag green_disk; item "fabric bear" hidden tag bear; room "Hygiene Area" dir nw tag Hygiene exit ne; item "blue lens"; item "white vat" tag vat; room "Service Area" dir ne tag Service link Living; item "printout"; task "Touch panel"; item "black cable" hidden after last tag cable; item "white box" hidden after last tag box; task "Open box" need box; item "transparent bag" hidden; task "Open bag" after last; item "shiny metal coil" hidden after last tag coil; ########################################################################