# IFM Map for "Babel" by Ian Finley # Based on Release Number 2 # This file writen by Dave Chapeskie # # Note: The walkthrough this file generates has a few unnecessary steps # in it like examining objects. The idea is that the transcript the # walkthrough will generate should be fairly readable. # # Also note that the generated map shows two bathrooms each with two # exits when in reality there are four bathrooms with only one exit # each. I.e. the bathrooms overlap on the map. title "Babel"; ######################################################################## # Starting items item "gown"; ######################################################################## room "North End" tag North_End start; task "put ID card in slot" tag Card2 need id_card after On_power; task "x calendar" need calendar after Inject_cure; room "Records II" after On_power dir w style special after Card2; task "x safe" note "red dial"; task "x dial" after last note "from 1 to 100"; task "set dial to 80" tag O_safe after last X_blotter get key; task "touch shelf" after O_safe score 1; task "x key" after O_safe note "residential master"; item "key" tag key hidden; task "ask Hosea about HS1" after X_flask; room "Courtyard" dir n from North_End go up style special after Inject_cure score 1 finish; room "North Hall" dir s from North_End; room "Center" tag Center dir s note "vision" score 1; #task "touch east door frame" note "vision" score 1; # automatic room "South Hall" tag South_Hall dir s; room "Communications Room" dir e; task "x cabinet" note "reveals a large plastic switch"; item "switch" hidden; task "flip switch" tag On_power after last note "turns on the power"; task "flip switch" tag Off_power after last note "power is off"; task "flip switch" tag On_power2 after last Wedge_door note "power is on" note "system can't close gallery door"; room "Entry Area" tag Entry_Area style special after On_power dir s from South_Hall; task "touch bulkhead" note "panel in vision" score 1; task "push panel" tag P_panel after last note "opens the NW door"; task "put ID card in slot" tag Card1 need id_card after On_power; task "type \"11:4\" on keypad" tag O_outside_bulkhead after R_bible; room "Records I" dir e style special after Card1; task "x screen" note "HOSEA"; room "Entry Steps" dir w from Entry_Area style special after O_outside_bulkhead; room "Outside" dir w; room "Shed" dir se; item "battery" tag battery; task "touch shelf" score 1; room "Antichamber" dir nw from Entry_Area style special after P_panel; room "Round Room" tag Round_Room dir nw; task "unlock north door" tag UL_David need key; task "unlock south door" tag UL_Alexis need key; task "unlock northwest door" tag UL_dining need key; room "Alexis' Room" dir s style special after UL_Alexis; task "touch vase" tag T_vase score 1; task "open dresser"; task "x sketch book" follow last; room "Bathroom" dir w; task "touch toilet" tag T_toilet score 1; room "Jonas' Room" dir w from Round_Room; task "x desk" note "reveals a fading green blotter"; task "x blotter" tag X_blotter after last note "the number 80"; task "touch blotter" after X_mirror score 1; room "Bathroom" dir s; task "touch mirror" score 1 after X_mirror; room "David's Room" dir n from Round_Room style special after UL_David; task "touch table" tag T_table score 1; task "open bathroom door" note "can't; inhuman strength"; task "inject self with fluid" after Load_red_syringe need red_syringe; task "open bathroom door" tag O_bathroom follow last; task "touch bookcase" after X_mirror score 1; room "Bathroom" dir e style special after O_bathroom; task "x mirror" tag X_mirror; room "Brett's Room" dir e from Round_Room; task "x mattress" get id_card note "reveals ID card"; item "ID card" tag id_card hidden keep; task "x books" tag X_books; task "touch mattress" tag T_mattress after X_mirror score 1 note "\"He knew his Bible to the letter\"" note "414"; task "x note" after T_mattress; task "find Babel in bible" tag R_bible follow X_books after T_mattress note "11:4"; room "Bathroom" dir n; room "Dining Room" dir nw from Round_Room style special after UL_dining; item "calendar" tag calendar; task "touch counter" tag T_counter score 1; task "touch table" after X_mirror score 1; room "Residential Storage" dir sw; item "screwdriver" tag screwdriver; item "metal pole" tag pole hidden; task "touch pegboard" tag T_pegboard score 1; task "x broken shelves" get pole note "support bar"; room "East Hall" dir e from Center; room "East End" tag East_End dir e; task "touch bulkhead" tag T_east_bulkhead score 1; task "put ID card in slot" tag Card3 need id_card after On_power2; task "x bulkhead" note "loose panel"; task "open panel with screwdriver" need screwdriver after last note "manual override"; task "pull lever" tag Pull_lever1 after last note "can't, emergency locking system"; task "pull lever" tag Pull_lever2 after last Off_power; task "x bulkhead" after last note "grooves"; task "x grooves" follow last; task "put pole in groove" tag Wedge_door after last need pole lose it; room "Records III" after On_power2 dir n style special after Card3; task "ask Hosea about Jabberwocky" tag Ask_Jabberwocky after T_east_bulkhead; task "ask Hosea about Telerus" tag Ask_Telerus after T_toxin_door; task "ask Hosea about gallery" tag Ask_gallery after X_recess note "polarizing filters"; task "ask Hosea about polarizing filters" tag Ask_filters follow last note "settings"; room "Gallery Junction" tag Gallery_Junction dir e from East_End style special after Pull_lever2; task "touch south door" tag T_toxin_door score 1; task "x recess" tag X_recess after On_power2 note "filter alignment" note "button"; task "press button" after last; task "x sliders" follow Ask_filters; task "set red to 3" tag Light_gallery follow last note "gallery is lit"; task "put id card in east slot" tag Card4 need id_card after On_power2; task "put id card in south slot" tag Card5 need id_card after On_power2; task "read warning" after On_power2; room "Toxin Gallery" need rad_suit after Wear_suit dir s style special after Card5; task "x frame" tag X_frame get telerus_vial; item "Telerus vial" tag telerus_vial; room "Terran Gallery" tag Terran_Gallery dir e e from Gallery_Junction style special after Card4; room "Aquatic Gallery" after Light_gallery dir s go down; task "touch floor" score 1 after X_mirror; room "Avian Gallery" after Light_gallery dir n from Terran_Gallery go up; task "touch railing" tag T_railing score 1; room "Cage" dir n; item "bowl of water"; task "wash flask" tag Wash_flask after Load_red_syringe need flask; room "Hall" after On_power2 dir n from Gallery_Junction; room "Lab Entrance" tag Lab_Entrance dir n; room "Supply Closet" dir e; item "flask" tag flask; task "x flask" tag X_flask need flask note "HS1 Hormone" in any; task "open flask" tag O_flask need flask in any; room "Medical Alcove" dir n; item "red syringe" tag red_syringe; task "put liquid in red syringe" tag Load_red_syringe follow O_flask need flask red_syringe in any; task "touch sink" after X_mirror score 1; room "Lab Hall III" dir w link Lab_Entrance; task "touch cages" tag T_cages score 1; task "x cabinet" tag X_cabinet note "lock and hinges"; task "x lock" follow last; task "x hinges" tag X_hinges follow last note "quite thin"; task "x battery" need battery in any note "highly corrosive" note "slit"; task "open battery with screwdriver" need battery screwdriver after last; task "pour acid on hinges" tag O_cabinet need battery after last X_hinges get base_vial note "cabinet opens"; task "touch shelf" after O_cabinet score 1; task "read notes" after O_cabinet note "instructions"; item "base vial" tag base_vial hidden; room "Lab Hall II" dir w; task "touch microscope" score 1; room "Lab Hall I" dir w; item "amber syringe" tag amber_syringe; task "touch microscope" score 1; task "x bulkhead" note "release lever"; task "pull lever" tag O_lab1_bulkhead follow last; link last to North_End after last; room "Landing" tag Landing dir n n ne e s go down; room "Changing Room" dir w; item "radiation suit" tag rad_suit; task "get radiation suit" give rad_suit get green_card; item "green card" tag green_card hidden; task "wear suit" tag Wear_suit need rad_suit in any; task "touch bench" tag T_bench score 1 after X_mirror; room "Radiation Area" dir s from Landing go down; task "set dial to 414" tag Set_dial after T_mattress; task "x control panel" tag X_controls; task "open hatch" tag O_hatch; task "open base vial" need base_vial in any; task "put base in flask" tag base_in_flask need base_vial flask follow last after Wash_flask in any; task "open Telerus vial" need telerus_vial in any; task "put Telerus in flask" tag Telerus_in_flask need telerus_vial flask follow last after Wash_flask in any; task "close flask" tag Prep_flask need flask after base_in_flask Telerus_in_flask in any; task "shake flask" tag Shake_flask need flask after last; task "put flask in alcove" after last drop flask until O_hatch2; task "close hatch" after last; task "flip switch" after last after X_controls; task "put green card in slot" after last need green_card drop it until Press_black; task "press black button" tag Press_black after last after Set_dial; task "press blue button" after last; task "flip switch" after last; task "open hatch" tag O_hatch2 need green_card after last; task "open flask" need flask after last; task "put cure in amber syringe" need flask amber_syringe after last; task "inject self with cure" tag Inject_cure need amber_syringe after last; ######################################################################## # Modify some of the above to help IFM generate a better walkthrough # Move into the room immediatly after unlocking the door. # It's nicer than unlocking all the doors at once. task T_vase follow UL_Alexis; task T_table follow UL_David; task T_counter follow UL_dining; task UL_dining after UL_Alexis; task X_frame follow Card5; task Card5 after T_mattress; task T_railing follow Card4; # Finish Alexis' room before unlocking anything else task T_toilet follow T_vase; # Make sure we pick up the calendar... task T_pegboard need calendar; # Don't drop the the calendar item calendar keep; # Don't bother going to the east hall until we can open the door #link East_End need pole; link East_End after T_pegboard; # Try pulling the lever once before turning off the power task Off_power after Pull_lever1; # Ask some questions all at once task Ask_Jabberwocky follow Card3; task Ask_Telerus follow Ask_Jabberwocky; task Ask_gallery follow Ask_Telerus; # Pick up the red syring on the way to Lab Hall III task T_cages need red_syringe; task X_cabinet after T_cages; # Don't bother going to touch the railing until we're ready to wash the flask. task Wash_flask follow T_railing; # Touch the bench before we start the process to produce the anti-toxin task Shake_flask after T_bench; task Set_dial after T_bench; # EOF