# IFM Map for "So Far" by Andrew Plotkin # Based on Release 6 / Serial number 961218 # # This file writen by Dave Chapeskie # Mark the starting location room_border_width = 2 in style Start; title "So Far"; ######################################################################## map "Theater"; room "Lower Theater" style Start start; task "watch play" cmd "z" 12 tag watch_play; room "Theater Near Aisle" dir w after watch_play; room "Lower Aisle" dir w; room "Halfway Up Aisle" dir s; task "feel air"; room "Upper Aisle" dir s; room "Theater Portico" dir s exit s; room "West Portico" dir w; task "feel air"; task "listen" cmd "listen" 2 follow last; task "x sky" follow last; task "x shrubs" tag X_shrubs follow last; task "x doorway" follow last; room "Theater Hall, South" dir n style special; room "Theater Hall, North" dir n exit n; room "Theater Storage" tag Storage dir w; item "cabinet"; task "open cabinet" note "reveals wooden box"; item "wooden box" hidden; task "look behind the cabinet" tag LB_cabinet note "reveals shadow"; ######################################################################## map "Road"; room "Abandoned Road" tag Abandoned_Road; join Storage to Abandoned_Road cmd "enter shadow" oneway after LB_cabinet; room "Abandoned Road, at Chimney" tag Chimney dir n; item "brick"; task "x chimney" tag X_chimney; ######################################################################## map "Field"; room "Field Behind Platform" tag Field; join Chimney to Field cmd "enter shadow" after X_chimney; item "hay"; task "x bales"; room "On the Platform" dir w; room "Dusty Yard" dir sw; # Not required, just makes the generated walkthrough nicer # EOF