ifwiki: Scott Adams
ifwiki: Adventure International

Material relating to Scott and Alexis Adams' company
Adventure International, its games, and third-party games
using the same format.

# Copyright.txt

Copyright notice from Scott Adams, dated 24nov97
[file is linked to emulators/trs80/SA-Copyright.txt,
games/spectrum/SA-Copyright.txt, and

# say-yoho.txt

Excerpts from Scott Adams' column SAY YOHO in Softside
magazine 1/81 and 3/81, typed in by David Librik.
0 .listing 2001-08-03 06:19:55Z 2.2 KiB application/octet-stream
1 Copyright.txt 2000-04-17 04:00:00Z 677 B text/plain; charset=utf-8
2 Index 2024-01-23 21:44:21Z 496 B text/plain
3 games/ 2021-06-16 08:37:55Z 10 B dir
4 hints/ 2019-12-22 23:16:58Z 8 B dir
5 interpreters/ 2019-12-22 23:06:30Z 6 B dir
6 say-yoho.txt 1995-06-14 04:00:00Z 6.9 KiB text/plain; charset=utf-8
7 tools/ 2019-12-22 23:06:30Z 9 B dir