This directory tree contains interpreters that are capable of playing games
written with multiple authoring systems.

# gargoyle

Interpreters built with Gargoyle, a Glk library offering high
quality font rendering.

# filfre

Filfre, a Windows Z-code and Glulx interpreter.

# ifp

A plugin based system, allowing different interpreter and output
libraries to be used.

# kronos

A Palm OS interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls, Z-code and
Scott Adams games.

# multiaventures

A MacOS Classic interpreter for AdvSys, AGT, Z-code, Scott Adams,
Level 9, Apple II Eamon, Quill, and C64 Basic games.

# rogue

A Linux GTK2 interpreter for TADS 2, TADS 3, AGT and ADRIFT games.

# zoom

A Mac OS X and Unix interpreter for Z-code, Glulx, TADS and HUGO
0 Index 2007-07-14 09:23:46Z 752 B text/plain
1 filfre 2014-04-05 23:58:08Z 30 B application/octet-stream
-> ../infocom/interpreters/filfre
2 gargoyle/ 2019-12-22 23:16:58Z 9 B dir
3 ggzc/ 2019-12-22 23:16:58Z 4 B dir
4 ifp/ 2019-12-22 23:16:58Z 9 B dir
5 kronos/ 2019-12-22 23:16:58Z 5 B dir
6 multiaventures/ 2019-12-22 23:16:58Z 4 B dir
7 parchment/ 2023-12-20 01:52:40Z 5 B dir
8 rogue/ 2019-12-22 23:06:30Z 5 B dir
9 zoom 2014-04-05 23:58:08Z 28 B application/octet-stream
-> ../infocom/interpreters/zoom